Uses of Interface

Packages that use NumericType
org.formulacompiler.compiler Contains the public compile-time API of AFC's core functional model compiler. 
org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet Contains the public compile-time API of AFC's spreadsheet compiler, which extends the core functional model compiler. 

Uses of NumericType in org.formulacompiler.compiler

Fields in org.formulacompiler.compiler declared as NumericType
static NumericType FormulaCompiler.BIGDECIMAL_SCALE8
          BigDecimal with a fixed scale of 8 and using BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP.
static NumericType FormulaCompiler.BIGDECIMAL_SCALE9
          BigDecimal with a fixed scale of 9 and using BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP.
static NumericType FormulaCompiler.BIGDECIMAL128
          BigDecimal with the MathContext.DECIMAL128 math context.
static NumericType FormulaCompiler.BIGDECIMAL32
          BigDecimal with the MathContext.DECIMAL32 math context.
static NumericType FormulaCompiler.BIGDECIMAL64
          BigDecimal with the MathContext.DECIMAL64 math context.
static NumericType FormulaCompiler.DEFAULT_NUMERIC_TYPE
          Default type used when no explicit type is specified.
static NumericType FormulaCompiler.DOUBLE
          Default type, consistent with the type used internally by Excel and other spreadsheet applications.
static NumericType FormulaCompiler.LONG
          Unscaled long for fast, strictly integer computations.
static NumericType FormulaCompiler.LONG_SCALE4
          long scaled to 4 decimal places for fast, fixed point computations (similar to the currency type found in Borland Delphi).
static NumericType FormulaCompiler.LONG_SCALE6
          long scaled to 6 decimal places for fast, fixed point computations with sufficient precision for seconds in time values.

Methods in org.formulacompiler.compiler that return NumericType
 NumericType NumericType.Factory.getInstance(java.lang.Class _valueType, int _scale, int _roundingMode)
          Factory method.
 NumericType NumericType.Factory.getInstance(java.lang.Class _valueType, java.math.MathContext _mathContext)
          Factory method.
static NumericType FormulaCompiler.getNumericType(java.lang.Class _valueType)
          Same as FormulaCompiler.getNumericType(Class, int, int) with an undefined scale and truncating results.
static NumericType FormulaCompiler.getNumericType(java.lang.Class _valueType, int _scale)
          Same as FormulaCompiler.getNumericType(Class, int, int) and truncating results.
static NumericType FormulaCompiler.getNumericType(java.lang.Class _valueType, int _scale, int _roundingMode)
          Returns the numeric type instance with the specified attributes.
static NumericType FormulaCompiler.getNumericType(java.lang.Class _valueType, java.math.MathContext _mathContext)
          Returns the numeric type instance with the specified attributes.

Uses of NumericType in org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet

Fields in org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet declared as NumericType
 NumericType SpreadsheetToEngineCompiler.Config.numericType
          The numeric type to use for all internal computations.

Methods in org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet that return NumericType
 NumericType EngineBuilder.getNumericType()
          Returns the numeric type used by computations compiled by this builder.

Methods in org.formulacompiler.spreadsheet with parameters of type NumericType
static SaveableEngine SpreadsheetCompiler.compileEngine(SpreadsheetBinding _binding, NumericType _numericType, boolean _fullCaching)
          Same as SpreadsheetCompiler.compileEngine(SpreadsheetBinding, NumericType, Class, Method, boolean), leaving the factory class and method unspecified.
static SaveableEngine SpreadsheetCompiler.compileEngine(SpreadsheetBinding _binding, NumericType _numericType, java.lang.Class _factoryClass, java.lang.reflect.Method _factoryMethod, boolean _fullCaching)
          Returns a new instance of a spreadsheet compiler, which is used to compile a spreadsheet representation, together with a binding associating cells with input and output methods, to an excecutable computation engine.
 void EngineBuilder.setNumericType(NumericType _type)
          Sets the numeric type to be used by computations compiled by this builder.